The salmon room is a transition room with capacity to accommodate 14 children with ages between 24/36 months. It has different areas (playhouse, floor games, table games, rug, reading, drawing and painting), equipped with pedagogical materials prepared within the reach of children.
Attached to the room is the bathroom with easy access to children.
All spaces were designed in accordance with the needs of children, bearing in mind safety, well-being and autonomy.
In this room, new experiences are lived daily, children make discoveries and grows in a serene, affectionate, joyful and dynamic environment.
Here we focus on stories, music, artistic expressions, imagination, creativity, dialogue, sharing, interrelation and autonomy.
In this room we are happy!
Ana Morgado
Carla Calado
A educadora Maria João e a educadora Ana Vieira integraram o curso ”Bússolas na Creche do século XXI”.
Um artigo que nos transporta para o interior, para a reflexão sobre o papel das pessoas ao serviço da educação.
Quando uma comunidade científico-pedagógica se junta e abre ao público uma reflexão sobre educação.
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Entidade Reguladora: Instituto da Segurança Social, I.P. Centro Distrital de Lisboa UDS/NRS – Unidade de Desenvolvimento Social/Núcleo de Respostas Sociais Av. 5 de Outubro, nº 175 1069-451 Lisboa
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