Literature, music, dance and visual arts for all children.
The Languages of Art project is based on education through art as a universal language, which promotes the development of skills, which has the ability to bring cultures closer together, respecting differences and creating conditions for the reception of learning.
The purpose is to get children to communicate and share their feelings and emotions in the various dynamics provided, appealing to creativity.
In addition to the weekly workshops integrated in the curriculum, children visit cultural spaces, art exhibitions, participate in various theater, dance and other performances (whenever possible).
This project began in 2011 with the main goal of continuing to bet in the area of expression for all children who attend APIA, aiming at the promotion of more competent, creative and involved beings, which are essential characteristics in the new world.
Rain of Stories - preschool and kindergaten
Leader: Francisca Pavão
This "class" provides contact with stories and books, provides oral expression and expressiveness, stimulates imagination, playfulness and creativity, promotes language development and increases vocabulary, as well as reading and literacy.
Stimulate the love for reading, for listening to read, for the meaning of writing and speaking of letters with our interior.
Stimulate the capacity of expression on several levels: verbal, plastic, emotional.
Facilitate interpersonal and intrapersonal relations that allow the development of a sense of responsibility, of respect for difference, of negotiation as an alternative to behaviors.
Musical expression - preschool
Cradle sounds - nursery
Leaders: Elsa Pires
Music as a form of expression is part of the overall formation of the child. Its learning must be a process analogous to that of language acquisition, because by hearing and imitation the process of developing the vocabulary becomes conscious.
The contact with different sounds begins from the formation of the human being in the uterus. The heartbeat, the voice of parents, are examples of sound being part of the life of a human being, before and after his/her birth.
Contribute to the child to let the musicality that exists within him/her flow, allowing him/her to express his/her ideas and to release his/her own musical vocabulary.
Encourage a musical learning that allows children to understand a fundamental part of human culture.
Create conditions for musical stimulation and provide a musically rich environment where children can find what they need for their development.
Art in hands- preschool and kindergaten
Leader: Daniela Reis
Plastic expression begins slowly with the objective of conquering new artistic routes.
In addition to the moments in a workshop, inside the school, where paint is made and art stands are invented, moments will be promoted abroad, such as visits to museums and spaces that shelter new discoveries.
From painting to sculpture, from assemblage to engraving, from performance to cinema, several are the means of expression and creation in which the most important is the path and process of this whole journey.
With plastic expression the child expresses himself/herself, his/her past becomes present and his/her aspirations are realized.
It is the very serious game of creation.
Promote creative spontaneity.
Develop the relationship between thinking, feeling and acting.
Stimulate critical thinking by creating social and ethical values.
The talking body - preschool and kindergaten
Discovery of dance movement - nursery
Leader: Ana Santos
Artistic expression is the art that embraces expression and movement as the primordial form of communication and liberation, thus awakening the authenticity and energy of a body that speaks, transforms and reveals to the world.
Through a set of theatrical practices, small plays, exercises of corporal expression and creative dance, there are dynamic / technical exercises and games adapted to the respective age group that allow to explore and to immerse in the body and mind of each one.
Develop technical and interior aspects such as rhythm, musicality, discipline, balance, coordination, flexibility, muscular strength, posture, agility, spatial awareness and focus, body awareness, practical ratiocination, concentration, memory, imagination, expressiveness, joy, creativity , sensitivity, improvisation, and verbal and corporal language.
Empower perceptual capacities through sensuousness and intellectual abilities by establishing contact, exchanging ideas, and building one's own personality.
Develop the capacity for social relationship promoting self-confidence and trust in the other through teamwork in order to establish a sense of commitment, responsibility and sharing.
Explore the creative movement as a form of expression, inspiration and development of ideas, always looking for the individuality and sensitivity of each child.
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Entidade Reguladora: Instituto da Segurança Social, I.P. Centro Distrital de Lisboa UDS/NRS – Unidade de Desenvolvimento Social/Núcleo de Respostas Sociais Av. 5 de Outubro, nº 175 1069-451 Lisboa
APIA - Associação de Proteção à Infância da Ajuda
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